IBRAM participates in the launch of the Green Coalition in Belém

The action is part of the agenda that precedes the Amazon Summit and was celebrated by national and state leaders
The CEO of the Brazilian Mining Institute (IBRAM), Raul Jungmann, participated in the seminar Green Coalition: Mobilizing Resources for the Sustainable Development of the Amazon, this morning (August 7). The initiative is part of the agenda of events that precede the Amazon Summit and was highlighted by the launch of the Green Coalition, a pioneering international alliance aimed at promoting sustainable development in the region. The event was held by the Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), in Belém (PA).
The Green Coalition represents a strategic step towards achieving a better future for the Amazon Forest and the nearly 30 million Brazilians who live in its territory. As the deputy governor of Pará, Hana Ghassan, highlighted, “this coalition between the BNDES, the IDB and development banks in the countries of the Amazon basin is fundamental for the development of our region. Rather than reducing deforestation, we have to guarantee mechanisms that will take care of our people, generating jobs and income so that we can keep the forest standing and alive”.
For the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change of Brazil, Marina Silva, the mobilization is almost a dream starting to come true. “For a long time, we have been saying that it is necessary to change the development model, we have been saying that there is no longer any support capacity between ecosystems and our economic activity and that it is necessary to make not only an adjective change, but a substantive change in the way we produce, consume, relate to others, to nature and to ourselves”.
After signing the Green Coalition Declaration, BNDES and BID signed a Letter of Intent aimed at implementing the Credit Access Program for MSMEs and Small Entrepreneurs (Pro-Amazônia). “We are signing a concrete partnership between the BNDES and the IDB for BRL 4.5 billion. This is an initiative that will certainly help boost the local economy, including here in Pará, in preparation for the COP meeting”, pointed out the president of BNDES, Aloizio Mercadante.

Picture: Agência Pará
Also participating in the event are the president of the IDB, Ilan Goldfajn; Minister of Planning and Budget of Brazil Simone Tebet; Minister of Justice and Public Security of Brazil Flávio Dino; the Minister of Environment of Colombia, Susana Muhamad; the mayor of Belém, Edmilson Rodrigues; BNDES directors Natália Dias (Sustainable Capital Markets and Finance) and Tereza Campello (Social and Environmental) and the member of the Board of Directors Izabella Teixeira; among other experts and authorities.
International Conference
The participation of IBRAM’s CEO in the event is part of the strategic actions that have been adopted by the institution with the objective of bringing the mining industry closer to decision-making bodies related to the sustainable development of the Amazon, as well as strengthening partnerships for The Amazon and New Economies International Conference, which will be held by the Institute between August 30th and September 1st in the capital of Pará.
“Broadening the debate on illegal deforestation, combating organized crime and stimulating the financing of new economies are flagships of the mineral industry in the quest for sustainable development in the Amazon”, clarifies Raul Jungmann.
The Conference will bring together representatives of forest peoples, civil society, academia, public and private sectors. Confirmed among the international speakers are the Right Honorable Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1997-2007), Tony Blair; the 8th Secretary-General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon; and the President of Colombia (2018-2022), Iván Duque. Also present will be the president of ICMM, Rohitesh Dhawan; the UNESCO Ambassador for Sustainability, Oskar Metsavaht; Neidinha Suruí, Brazilian activist at the Kanindé Ethno-environmental Defense Association, among others.
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+55 31 2626-8036 | secretaria@ibram.org.br
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