
About the Conference

The Amazon is undergoing several transformations that require the establishment of a new productive paradigm, which at the same time leverages and dynamizes the local economy and guarantees the conservation of biodiversity, the end of deforestation and the reduction of inequalities.

Globally moving towards a low-carbon economy that lessens pressure on the climate means going through an energy transition that will require an expansion in the exploration of strategic minerals.

To advance and strengthen solutions that reconcile economic development, the reduction of inequalities and the conservation of forests and socio-biodiversity, the Brazilian Mining Institute (IBRAM), academia and different sectors of the economy, will meet from August 30 to September 1, 2023, in Belém, for the International Conference – Amazonia and New Economies

The event will bring presentations, debates and business exhibitions, with the participation of authorities, specialists, investors, organizations and leaders who have worked with the theme in the Amazon.


The future of the world is linked to the future of the Amazon.

Conserving biodiversity and fighting deforestation directly depends on economic alternatives for people living in the Amazon, for their subsistence and development.The new economies in their diversity (bioeconomy, carbon market and circular, solidary, regenerative and socio-biodiversity economies, etc.) represent the path to a sustainable future for the Amazon, combining conservation, zero net deforestation, development and social well-being.



The world must transition to a low-carbon economy and face climate change. This requires an expansion of mining, especially of strategic minerals, for the development of renewable energies and the electrification of means of transport.  Part of this expansion will take place in the Amazon

Mining, by definition, is not a sustainable activity, as it works with a non-renewable natural resource. Therefore, it cannot be classified as bioeconomy or as part of the field of new economies.

However, mining and all industries can be a factor in promoting sustainable development, supporting and promoting different activities and different sectors, within the scope of new economies.

Whether with logistical solutions, whether in the recovery of degraded areas, productive reforestation, encouraging entrepreneurship, conserving forests or even supporting institutions and strengthening community initiatives, mining can be a factor in diversifying the economic matrix of territories and, throughout its cycle, generate the conditions for the transition towards sustainable development, based on the new economies.


    • Support a qualified debate on the new economies in the Amazon, in a broad and unrestricted way;

    • Present and discuss the possible contributions of industries in the field of new economies;

    • Create a network of articulation and support for the new economies in the Amazon, with a new space for interaction between sectors and participation of local leaders;

    • Contribute to the preparation of a short, medium and long term agenda, with a view to promoting the integration of actions between the public and private sectors, civil society and communities;

    • Strengthen the Pan-Amazon alliance on the subject.

Technical sheet

November, 6th to 8th, 2024

VENUE: Belém – PA

Audience: specialists, professionals from sectors linked to the new economies, public managers, company executives, Sustainability and ESG professionals, managers and professionals from civil society organizations, communities of ancestral and original peoples, impact businesses, cooperatives and associations, academia, national and international press, general public.


The logo of International Conference The Amazon and New Economies was built by the visual artist Kambô, a native of the Pará state who has been developing projects in the most diverse media, since 2007.

His works involve techniques such as illustration, painting, muralism, photography, animation, video mapping and augmented reality.

With a very particular color palette, he explores visual elements of everyday life and Amazonian popular culture in interactive works that mix digital and analogue techniques and provide different points of experience and reflection for the viewer.

To learn more about the artist’s work, visit his Instagram profile:

logo marca



A gateway to the Amazon, Belém is the capital of the state of Pará, located in the North region of Brazil.

With 1.5 million inhabitants, the city stands out as one of the regional metropolises and has its history built over more than 400 years.

Among its differentials is the fact that the city is made up of two parts: one continental and one insular, composed of 42 islands. Surrounded by rivers and forests, Belém is also characterized by constant heat and daily rains.

The cuisine of the region is an attraction in itself. Recognized as a Creative City of Gastronomy by Unesco, the typical foods of Belém have exotic and regional ingredients, such as the famous jambu and tucupi, in addition to the famous açaí (which in Pará is present in the daily life of the population as a side dish to savory dishes, including in the form of farofa).


Due to its relevance, Belém was chosen to host, in 2025, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (COP-30), the largest and most important world event on climate.

This will be the first time that Brazil will host the meeting that annually brings together global leaders to discuss solutions against global warming and create sustainable alternatives for life on Earth.


Ricardo Rocha
(91) 981459400,

Horários de atendimento:
segunda a sexta de 09h às 18h , exceto feriados.
sábado: de 09h às 13h